FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 1, 1996 Contact: Dev Mazumdar 4Front Technologies 11698 Montana Avenue, Suite 12 Los Angeles, CA 90049, U.S.A. Tel: (310) 820 7365 E-mail: Fax: (310) 826 2465 Web: ________________________________________________________________________________ OSS/Linux "GOLD" release now available! LOS ANGELES: 4Front Technologies is announcing the availability of "GOLD" release of of Open Sound System(TM) for Linux 2.0.0 and a beta version for the Linux kernel 2.0.1. OSS/Linux is a commercial implementation of the OSS/Lite drivers (the free soundcard drivers provided with the Linux kernel distribution). OSS/Linux provides a user-friendly GUI which makes the installation of sound drivers and configuration of sound cards a breeze! OSS/Linux supports several Plug-n-Play (PnP) soundcards for which there is no support in OSS/Lite. OSS/Linux now supports the AMD InterWave chipset found on the GUS PnP and Reveal WaveExtreme sound cards. 4Front Technologies has developed OSS/Linux to be compatible with OSS/Lite for base audio functionality, but it also provides additional audio interfaces. such as the Direct Music API for accessing the FM synthesizer directly. Linux users can visit 4Front's WWW site at to download a "free" 30-day trial version of OSS/Linux or buy a fully licensed version of OSS/Linux for only $30.00. The licensed version of OSS/Linux comes with free technical support and free updates to the drivers. --- xxx --- All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. Open Sound System is a trademark of 4Front Technologies. Copyright (C) 1996, 4Front Technologies, All Rights Reserved.